The camera-ready copy of your paper is due by May 22, 2019.

Step 1 Revise your paper 
– Please revise your paper carefully to address the reviewers’ comments and suggestions
Step 2 Paper Formatting
– The list of authors for camera-ready paper must be the same as the list of authors for the review version.
– Provide an abstract of fewer than 200 words.
– Do NOT number the pages.
– Not put any information in the headings.
– Author Bios are NOT needed.
– Papers must be no longer than six (6) pages (no cover page) in double-column format with standard margins and at least a 10 point font (IEEE templates

Step 3: Add the Copyright Clearance Code
– The appropriate Copyright Clearance Code notice is to appear as a footnote on the bottom of the first page of each paper according to the guidelines set forth in the Cataloging/Copyright Instructions for an IEEE Conference Proceeding.
– For all papers the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-2642-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Step 4: Paper upload
– After the above steps have been completed, please upload a copy of the PDF to Easychair.