- The proceedings of ICNAS 2019 is published and indexed in IEEE Xplore.
- The conference program is available. For more details please download.
- We are proud to announce the second keynote speaker: Prof. Kherfi Mohammed Lamine
- There will be a bus shuttle at 8H to arrange the transportation (Hôtel Majestic <—> Annaba University (Sidi Amar Campus)).
- Recommended Hotels
- Registration for ICNAS 2019 is now open. Please refer to the registration for more details.
- Template IEEE (WORD)
- The list of papers accepted for presentation at ICNAS 2019 is available here.
- Please submit the camera-ready version with the recommended corrections (if requested) according to the format mentioned in this link.
- We are proud to announce the first keynote speaker: Prof. CHALLAL Yacine
- Extended versions of selected papers will be published in the International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications (IJSITA)
- Registered and presented papers will be published in proceedings that will be indexed in IEEE Xplore
- The conference is announced on IEEE website.
- Due to multiple requests, we have decided to extend the deadline for paper submissions to ICNAS’2019. The new deadline is April 12, 2019. Please note that this is a firm deadline and there will be no further extension.
- Extended versions of selected papers will be published in “Revue de l’Information Scientifique et Technique”.
Our Sponsors & Supporters
Scientific Scope:
The fourth conference ICNAS 2019 is a scientific event that brings together scientific expertise on several areas of scientific research. This biennial conference is the successor of the conference ICNAS 2013 , ICNAS 2015, and ICNAS 2017. In fact, the areas of interest ICNAS 2019 are valid with a cross between different research themes. Through this conference, the scientific frontiers are pushed and multidisciplinary investigations allow researchers and young researchers to propose their ideas and contributions. The conference deals with topics relating to networking, management, and systems that revolve around this technology. The systems are advanced systems by their design, implementation, and applications.
We invite you to submit your original technical papers to this event. The papers accepted and presented in ICNAS 2019 will be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN: 978-9931-9142-0-4 (Distributed by National Library of Algeria). The extended version of selected high-quality papers will be considered for publication in the international journals.
ICNAS 2019 is organized by the Networks and Systems Laboratory – LRS . It will take place at the Badji Mokhtar University in Annaba from 26 -27 June 2019.
ICNAS2019 solicits papers dealing with networking and advanced systems in (not limited to):
Security and Privacy
- Access control and authorization
- Accountability
- Anonymity
- Application security
- Attacks and defenses
- Authentication
- Blockchain technologies
- Censorship resistance
- Cloud security
- Distributed systems security
- Economics of security and privacy
- Embedded systems security
- Forensics
- Hardware security
- Intrusion detection and prevention
- Malware and unwanted software
- Mobile and Web security and privacy
- Language-based security
- Network and systems security
- Privacy technologies and mechanisms
- Protocol security
- Secure information flow
- Security and privacy for the Internet of Things
- Security and privacy metrics
- Security and privacy policies
- Security architectures
- Usable security and privacy
Next Generation Networks
- Technologies for future Internet
- Internet of things (IoT)
- 5G networks
- Vehicular ad hoc networks and intelligent transportation systems
- Network protocols and architectures
- Quality of service and traffic engineering
- Software-defined networking (SDN)
- SCADA and Smart grid applications
- Network function virtualization (NFV) and Service function chaining (SFC)
- Mobile edge and fog computing
- Green computing and networking
- Content distribution networks
- Information-centric networking (ICN)
- Network intelligence
- Cognitive management
- Autonomous and self-organized networks
- Wireless and mobile networks
- Mesh, ad hoc, and sensor networks
- User-centric networking
- Machine-to-machine networking
- Social networking, crowdsourcing
- Mobile Internet applications
- Optical networks
- Context-aware Systems
Big Data and Cloud Computing
- Big data analytics
- Big data technologies
- Data visualization
- Big data curation and management
- Big data infrastructure
- Architectures for massively parallel processing
- Data mining tools and techniques
- Machine learning algorithms for big data
- Cloud computing platforms
- Distributed file systems and databases
- Scalable storage systems
- Fog Computing
- Edge Computing
Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications
- Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security
- Biometrics
- Steganography
- Machine learning
- Deep learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Robotics
- Computer Vision
- Algorithmic Game Theory
- Neuromorphic Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Large scale Machine Learning
- AI-optimized Hardware
- Decision Management
- Virtual Agents